About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Sergio Ruy


Hi, I'm Sergio Ruy. I have been studying and working with Java and Spring projects since 2018. I'm a geeky guy, curious, and always eager to learn new things and try new technologies. If you want to see some of my projects, feel free to click here. I have developed these apps using the Spring Framework, and recently, I have been extensively working with Quarkus in my current company. You can find more information about my knowledge below.


SQL, Spring Data, Panache, and Jakarta Persistence

I have experience with SQL databases using tools like Workbench and DataGrip. In most of my projects, I have been using Spring Data JPA, and Panache (Hibernate and FlywayDB), but as I said, I'm very curious, and recently I completed a project using MongoDB with Spring Webflux.

Spring Projects


I have experience building REST APIs and MVC web applications. All my projects were created using the power of Spring projects like Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring Data, and Spring Security. Also, I have experience with Spring Cloud and messaging systems like RabbitMQ and Kafka. I'm a real Spring fan. (Thanks, Pivotal!)


Modern Java Framework

My curiosity has led me to work with Quarkus in my current role. This experience has enhanced my skills in building efficient, cloud-native applications, leveraging Quarkus's container-first philosophy. My work with Quarkus also involves integrating with AWS services, particularly AWS SNS and SQS, for reliable messaging and event-driven architecture.